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The Website of Japan-
Balkan    Network (BALKAN)
Japan and the Balkan Region

The official website of Japan-Balkan Network (BALKAN) has been launched on April, 2020. The address of the website is

BALKAN will be the hub to facilitate the communication of the related entities in its field of interest. 

BALKAN will regularly share the related news in consideration of non-intereference in internal political affairs of the countries and mutual respect for the national identities of all nations.

Exploring the Potential of Japan-Romania Partnerships
balkan countries

BALKAN recently had an opportunity to meet with the Minister-Counsellor of the Embassy of Romania in Japan, His Excellency Mr. Adrian Ionescu and introduce the our activities. On March 2023, Bilateral Strategic Partnership between Japan and Romania has been signed.  These two countries have great potential for future collaborations.

Japan-Bulgaria Western Balkans Workshop on Seismic Risk Challenges

Japan-Bulgaria-Western Balkans Workshop on Seismic Risk Challenges was held from 8th to 11th November in Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria.

The event is organized for the second time as part of the Western Balkans Cooperation Initiative, following the first seminar in 2019

Japan-Balkan    Relations
Japan Balkans relations

Japan and the Balkan Region has deep historical bonds, starting from the 19th century. 





A brief chronology of the relationship is presented below. The historical data are compiled mainly from the records of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan and the Embassies of the countries in the Balkan Region.

Courtesy Call to the Embassy of Kosovo in Japan
Japan and the Balkans

BALKAN had a chance to visit Embassy of the Republic of Kosovo in Japan, Executive Assistant, Secretary to the Ambassador. H.E. Dr. Arbenita Sopaj and introduce our platform, Japan-Balkan Network. This occasion served not only as a rich cultural exchange but also as an invaluable platform to present the BALKAN initiative.

The EU-Japan Strategic Partnership
The Balkan Region
Japan-Balkan Network

The EU-Japan strategic partnership is based on longstanding cooperation, shared values and principles, including democracy, the rule of law, human rights, good governance, multilateralism and open market economies. Japan is one of the EU’s closest like-minded partners. 


26th EURASIAN ECONOMIC SUMMIT was held in Istanbul. It was held with the participation of 44 countries. 16 Presidents were present at the 26th Eurasian Economic Summit organized by the Marmara Group Foundation.

Sep 20, 2022


23 participants, including graduate and undergraduate students, and young professionals, from the Western Balkan countries took part in the final reporting session of the visiting Japan Program of MIRAI 2022/2023 in the presence of Mr. NAKAMURA Kimitake.

Mar. 13, 2023


The Government of Japan decided to dispatch the third Japan Disaster Relief (JDR) Medical Team, consisting of 41 members, to the Republic of Türkiye which suffered damages from a large-scale earthquake. The team will depart for Türkiye from March 4.

Mar. 03, 2023


Japan welcomes the EU-facilitated leaders’ dialogue between President Aleksandar Vučić of Serbia and Prime Minister Albin Kurti of Kosovo in Brussels on 27 February, where the both parties agreed that no further discussions are needed on the EU proposal.


Mar. 06, 2023



Poverty is not just a lack of money; it is not having the capability to realize one's full potential as a human being.


Amartya Sen

The ultimate resource in economic development is people. It is people, not capital or raw materials that develop an economy.



— Muhammed Yunus

The poor themselves can create a poverty-free world. All we have to do is to free them from the chains that we have put around them!



— Peter Drucker

  ©️BALKAN is an initiative of Overseas Development Advisory Corporation (ODACO) 
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