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Japan-Balkan Network is a platform of ODACO dedicated to fostering connections, collaboration, and cultural exchange between Japan and the Balkan Region. Our mission is to create a vibrant community that promotes mutual understanding and cooperation between these two regions.

At Japan-Balkan Network, we recognize the immense potential for collaboration and growth that exists between Japan and the Balkan countries. By bridging the geographical and cultural gaps, we aim to facilitate meaningful interactions and partnerships across various sectors, including business, education, tourism, arts, and more.

Through our platform, we provide a space for individuals, organizations, and businesses from Japan and the Balkans to connect, share ideas, and explore opportunities. Whether you 

are a student, entrepreneur, artist, or simply an enthusiast interested in the rich cultural heritage of Japan and the Balkan Region, you will find a supportive community here.

Our website serves as a hub of information, resources, and networking opportunities. From news and events to business directories and cultural insights, we strive to offer a comprehensive platform that caters to the diverse interests and aspirations of our members. Join our network today and embark on a journey of discovery, collaboration, and friendship between Japan and the Balkan Region.

Principles and Purposes

Fundamental Principles

  1. Non-intereference in internal political affairs of the countries;

  2. Mutual respect for the national identities of all nations;

  3. Effective cooperation between Balkans countries and Japan.



  1. To promote regional peace and stability;

  2. To accelerate the economic and cultural development in the region;

  3. To facilitate active collaboration and mutual assistance between Balkans countries and Japan;

  4. To promote Balkans Regions studies and activities in Japan;

  5. To maintain cooperation with existing international and regional organization with similar aims and purposes.

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  ©️BALKAN is an initiative of Overseas Development Advisory Corporation (ODACO) 
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