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Japan- Bulgaria Western Balkans Workshop on Seismic Risk Challenges

Japan-Bulgaria-Western Balkans Workshop on Seismic Risk Challenges was held from 8th to 11th November in Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria.

​The event is organized for the second time as part of the Western Balkans Cooperation Initiative, following the first seminar in 2019. It aims to share Japan's knowledge in the field of disaster management, which is a common challenge in the Western Balkan region.

Japanese participants, including officials and experts from the Cabinet Office, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, Hyogo Prefecture, JICA, relevant private companies and research institutions joined the workshop online, contributing to sharing Japan’s expertise in dealing with seismic risks with their counterparts from Bulgaria, Western Balkans and Croatia, who gathered in Veliko Tarnovo.

For more information:

  ©️BALKAN is an initiative of Overseas Development Advisory Corporation (ODACO) 
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