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On 6 March, 23 participants, including graduate and undergraduate students, and young professionals, from the Western Balkan countries took part in the final reporting session of the visiting Japan Program of MIRAI 2022/2023 in the presence of Mr. NAKAMURA Kimitake, Ambassador in charge of the Western Balkans at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan.

At the outset, Ambassador Nakamura, while referring to Japan's efforts under the Western Balkans Cooperation Initiative to promote peace and stability in the Western Balkan region, expressed his hope that the young generation of the future will act as a bridge of friendship beyond ethnic boundaries that will embody peacebuilding in the region, utilizing their experience of cross-cultural exchanges gained through the program.

During the reporting session, the participants made comments on their impressions of their experience in Japan, including interactions with students from Sophia University and the visit to Hiroshima, and made group presentations on how they will make use of the insights and learning they gained through their participation in this program after returning home.

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  ©️BALKAN is an initiative of Overseas Development Advisory Corporation (ODACO) 
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